Hi! I’m back again after another who knows how long hiatus. I’m here to lay it all out there, something that I’m not very good at doing. I feel like I haven’t been real with my blog or Instagram at times. I’ve created content for brands I don’t care for or don’t have a passion about. I’ve tried so hard to fit the stereotypical “influencer” mold because I thought that that is what I wanted to be at the time. I had such a hard time creating content that truly excited me, it felt forced and unnatural. I was worried that posting what I really wanted wouldn’t get me anywhere, but that didn’t get me anything except on the track to being burnt out and uninspired. I’ve taken over a year off from pursuing my blog and instagram other than family related posts or contracts I had to follow through with. Now I am ready to give my blog an entire refresh and breathe new life into it. I want to actually take that leap of faith and put my all into it for the first time since creating it 5 years ago. It’s something that has been on my mind for so long and despite how absolutely hectic my life is right now, I am ready.
I took some time and really thought about what I wanted to make of this space. I’ve grown a lot since deciding to start my blog in 2018. When I first started out I was very newly married, working as a mental health counselor and looking to buy our first house. Fast forward 5 years and I am now a mom of two toddlers, working from home doing marketing and interior design, and renovating our 3rd house! I’ve always dreamt of being a mother, it’s my true calling so I thought it made sense to invest my time and creative energy into what my passion is. I want to create a community that’s close knit and can talk about our motherhood triumphs, our failures and everything in between. A place where questions can be asked and answered without the fear of being judged. I want to show others that motherhood really is made of those everyday moments you experience with your children. I have a lot planned from daily activities, Q&As, guest writers, recipes, clothing and toy guides and so much more. If you’re not here for the motherhood content, don’t worry. I have plenty of lifestyle and home design pieces in the works as well.
So be prepared for a whole lot of rambling, incomplete thoughts, and spelling errors because I don’t have the wherewithal to spell check with two toddlers running around and “helping” me type.
If you’ve been with me since the beginning I wanted to thank you for sticking it out with me through my many many long absences, and if you’re just reading for the first time, I hope you find something that interests you and keeps you coming back for more. So drop your email or keep checking in for my take on all things motherhood, with a little but of home design and everyday life mixed in.
// Taylor